The Power of Encouragement

There I was, the typical teenage girl; complete with braces, curly hair (before the days of flat irons) and an average dose of youthful shyness – away for a week of my first-ever summer camp in beautiful Lake Arrowhead.  Promising to be an enjoyable and significant time, I’d signed up to go with the youth group I was attending.  I swam, attended challenging times of teaching, played games and had a blast making new friends. The refreshing pine-scented air inspired me and I found myself glad to be there. When dusk turned to darkness at the end of the first day, I ventured to my assigned cabin, along with the eleven other girls I would room with.

“Okay, ladies, let’s get settled in. I have a special activity I’d like for us to do as soon as you’re ready.” Linda, our counselor announced.  Little did this first-time, summer-camper know, the “activity” that was about to be launched – would be something I’d remember forever.

Here I am, standing next to my camp counselor, Linda!

Here I am, standing next to my camp counselor, Linda!

What a Great Idea!

Linda handed out several sheets of paper to each of the girls in the room.  We were instructed to write down the first name of each girl, one per page and take a few moments to think about them; what qualities/traits stand about that person? What do you like or admire about them?  I think you can see where she was going with this.

After careful reflection, we started quietly writing.  As each girl finished and looked to Linda, we waited patiently for the next bit of instruction.  “Now, we’re going to start reading them to each other, one at a time.”  She chose someone to start and around the room it went.  Overall comments included things like, “I really love your attitude,” or “I think you are a wonderful friend” or “You’re a very kind person,”  “I think you’re a great artist,” “I love the way you do this…” and so on.


Multitudes of beautiful, positive and warm remarks filled the room.  It was a regular love-fest!  It became obvious that this “activity” had touched every one of us in a very meaningful way.  As a result, there were some tears, a few healing discussions to clear misunderstandings, friendships that grew ever closer and new bonds formed.  It felt incredible when I heard the words written for me, and this uplifting moment has stayed with me since.  It showed me that positive, encouraging remarks – whether we realize it or not, are important and can produce short and long term benefits in every one of us.

What is Encouragement?

Oxford American Dictionary and Language Guide defines it as 1) to give courage, confidence or hope 2) to urge or advise 3) to stimulate by help, reward and/or to promote or assist.

Why is it Important?

My summer camp experience showed me that these words boost our confidence and make us feel on top of the world.  They kick self-doubt to the curb, strengthen our will to persevere, and ultimately, help us feel cared for and supported by the encourager. Everyone, regardless of age or gender benefits from positive reinforcement.  Have you ever noticed how someone’s facial expression softens after they receive a compliment?

I think we all know this, but it’s worth repeating; no one benefits more from encouraging words than our children.  We know that our remarks greatly affect them – good or bad.   In fact, I’m not sure we realize how much power we really have!   I try to consistently encourage my preteen daughter because I want her to grow into adulthood with a healthy, balanced dose of confidence and self-esteem.  I acknowledge when things don’t go as expected, and try to inspire her to use it as something to grow from (this is my hope).   We all – parents especially, have the ability to build a person up in a positive and productive way ~ or tear them down in a negative and destructive manner Our words can communicate love, acceptance and support to our children or make them feel like they aren’t measuring up.

May I encourage you?

Think about opportunities in your life?  Who are the people that surround you?  Is there someone that could use a little encouragement?  What do you admire or respect in them?  What do they do well or are improving in?  What do you appreciate about them?

Last but not Least…

When you offer kind, optimistic words to others, they may come back to you in return.  I’ve seen it happen!  In my experience, when you practice being the encourager, you find that your enthusiasm attracts like-hearted people. You’ll find yourself in good company that may produce rewarding relationships.

 Thank You

There you have it; you’ve read my first blog offering!  My hope is that you will find inspiration, food for thought, and especially encouragement in what you read here.  I welcome your comments and appreciate the time you spend at
She Loves to Write.

The Whole Gang-Summer Camp 1981!

9 thoughts on “The Power of Encouragement

  1. Sue Mikesell says:

    Inspiring Geri…and hey im in the summer camp pic haha love those days,,,lots of memories. Love Linda, she was the best. Been wanting to do the blog thing, just need to figure the set up part of it. Fabulous writing xox love sue m

  2. I am so very happy to see how you glow when you write. I am looking forward to your next segment. hey, “She surely loves to write…”Hugs

  3. Sister says:

    This is really good, Gerri! Keep it goin! 🙂

  4. Wonderful, Gerri…onward Christian Soldier! Beautiful writing and beautiful photo. The photo expresses YOU….filled with JOY! Blessings, Pastor G

  5. Thank you, everyone for taking the time to check out my blog and for YOUR “encouraging words!” Love to you all!

  6. Heather says:

    I remember doing this when Lou and Koni and I lived together. Bob really preached this to me by his actions. I remember saying when you feel blue, write something encouraging for someone else. Hopefully I have lived that out in my life!

    Amazing how soo very long ago, we learn things that inspire us for a lifetime!

    Linda K – perfect! Love you!

    Blessings Gerri!

  7. It is amazing how one person can be of such great influence. I love the idea of doing it when you’re down – it takes our eyes off of us and gets us productive and helping others. I’ll definitely check out Lou and Koni’s blog, thanks for the heads up! Good to hear from you, Heather, blessings to you too! 🙂

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